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This game has not received a rating from the ESRB

The feel of a gangster movie is recreated isometrically in this game. You play a private detective who has the task of retrieving a vital cassette from a Mob boss' hideout. Two twin girls are in the area - one is on your side, the other is connected to the mob. Needless to say, you will have to work out who you can trust.

You control the detective with either directional (key or joystick press corresponds to motion) or rotational (forward to move, left or right to rotate) control. Pressing fire activates the main command menu, which allows you to pick up or drop objects, use your gun, and communicate with people. You can carry 3 items at a time; a command exists to swap between them.


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This game has not recieved a rating from the ESRB

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